
Destination Heaven

07.29.07. "Destination Heaven" explores how living with a sense of heaven brings meaning and purpose to our present lives. (Note: sound quality may not be the best).


Destination Decision (mp3)

07.22.07. This message focused on the need for each of us to make a personal decision about our relationship with God. We used the example of Joshua as he drew his line in the sand ... even as he was about to die.


Destination Legacy (mp3)

07.15.07. This third message in our series on "Summer Vacations: Life's Destinations" focused on the legacy we are leaving behind.


Destination Significance (mp3)

07.08.07. Today's destination is Significance. We talked about how true significance is found in serving others. Jesus himself redefined greatness when he described the greatest as the least and the servant of all.


Destination Adventure (mp3)

07.01.07. "Destination Adventure" is the first message in a new series entitled, "Summer Vacation." In this series we look at the different destinations God has in store for us.

Mary (mp3)

06.24.07. This message concluded our series on "Great Women of the Bible." We looked at the example of Mary as she was challenged to believe the impossible.